Showing: 1 - 10 of 15 RESULTS

Week of April 29 to 4: The accuracy

I am fair and realistic. I have the wisdom and understanding to be and to practice life. I recognize my strengths and weaknesses. Over the past month, I have made my choices with compassion which will now allow me to simplify my options. Thank you to the Universe for leading me on the path to …

Full moon in Libra 28/03/2021

The power Conquest, ambivalence and desire We define ourselves by our actions. When the need for self-realization becomes alive, the actions taken take many forms. Are you more of a conqueror, risking hurting people in the process, or are you trying to take the place of the mediator in a confrontation of some kind? I …

Week of March 22 to 28: The Illusion

When we are about to step into a realm of non-real perception, our imaginations run wild and may end up fueling our fears. We have to ask ourselves if all these assumptions come from our creation or if they come from hard facts. How could I interpret a situation based on a theory fueled by …

Pisces New Moon 03/13/2021

My ideal Intuition, affectivity and idealism Several planets will affect the sign of Pisces during this new moon. This zodiac sign represents boundless generosity and compassion that begs to be expressed. She is known to promote mysticism or devotion through love. Here we will have to be wise with regard to the predominant flight intentions. …

Week of March 8 to 14: Unification

We have within us a part of the Universe which is called life. If our gaze adopts this point of view, we will perceive the power of unification. We will find the strength to understand our sacrifices, our efforts and our collective goals. We can finally begin to feel that we are acting for a …

What has astrology given me?

I remember being younger that I was quite different from the kids around me. My interest seemed to be on the feelings a human might have, and even what they prompt us to do sometimes. I wanted to understand, through emotions, the mechanism of life. Everything seemed so simple to me when I looked at …

Week of March 1 to 7 The change

Through change I rediscover myself. The more I accept events from the outside with a certain openness, the more my communication with life becomes stronger. I embrace flexibility and creativity. From this approach will arise wonderful opportunities. The Universe has a lot more imagination than we do.

week of February 22 to 28 Comprehension

I can see myself differently and I have the right to change. Nothing binds me to the opinion I once had. I can understand that these new requests will be useful for the future. Now I can adapt. Bring me the wisdom to face change, to accept my improving view of myself. I believe in …

Full moon in Virgo 27/02/2021 In the household

Understanding, service and utility The trend varies from month to month, from year to year, and this, to lead us towards the path of peace and harmony. What seems strange, however, if we compare ourselves with a child, is that a source of stress or anxiety can be found in our daily lives. These young …

Week of February 15 to 21 Favor

As the sacrifices pile up we can tend to lose energy bit by bit. If there is one mindset to adopt in a trying environment, it is compassion. She always remains well intentioned. This quality warns against any negative action taken against you and prevents us from sinking under the weight of responsibilities. This state …
