Part 1 Pitfalls and myths

Tarot has had a bad reputation in recent years, as many have used it to predict the future and to extract money from vulnerable people. It is therefore time to restore its image and return to the here and now rather than wandering into the future. More and more young people are interested in this 700 year old divinatory art. It is therefore time to give it a new lease on life. This is one of the reasons why I write this blog. There are too many myths about this subject.

One of the most common pitfalls when starting out in this world is that of being subjective. To project onto the blades what you would like to happen rather than the truth. The tarot should first of all be a tool of personal introspection, a kind of mirror of our soul and not a machine to answer for us. Keep in mind that we have the answers to every question that concerns us. Blades (cards) will only support our feelings about certain situations. A kind of message from our guides, our angels, our higher power whatever you call it. Have you ever had a question answered, but didn’t want to hear it? Well, the tarot, if you are ready, will confirm that your feelings are right. How many times have you said: I should have listened to myself.

Questions like “Will I win the lottery? “Will I find love?” and “Is this the right guy for me?” are in no way questions to ask in tarot or any other form of fortune-telling. Ironically, these are the most frequently asked questions. Why shouldn’t we ask this kind of question? It’s simple, because if you are in the future it’s because there is something you don’t want to see in the present moment and yet that’s where we have to look for the answers, because it’s the only moment we have power over. Change these questions by finding a question that does not answer yes or no. You will see by this simple exercise you will already answer part of your question. For example: change “will I win the lottery” to “is money good for me” or “will I find love” to “what do I need to know about my relationships” and “is this the right guy for me” to “what energy unites us?” are questions that lead us to question certain areas of our lives where we have more difficulty letting energy flow. No one consults a psychic simply for pleasure, there is always a hidden need to know. But deep down, we already have all the answers right there in front of us sometimes blinded by our ego. You will see the tarot will let you know, don’t be afraid!

Do I need to be gifted to draw tarot? We all have the gift of sensing and perceiving subtle energies, but to do so we must be connected to our soul (subconscious, Divine Source, Universe, God, call it what you will, but give it a name). Meditating and refocusing is the best method. The ritual should be sacred, it is a moment where you meet your soul or those of another, so cherish it. Use your creativity to create your own ritual and be inspired by those who shoot and call you. So yes, it’s a gift, but it’s hidden within each of us. The tarot is only a material extension like all other divinatory tools.

How to choose my tarot? Listen to yourself and trust yourself. The one that is meant for you will make you vibrate as if it was whispering something to you. It can be only a map or a picture. Some myths said that it should be stolen or that it should be a gift. It’s not, it all depends on the energy you put into it. Our tarot should make us live a kind of love story. I don’t hide from you that the most popular decks like the Rider Smith Wait Classic designed by Pamela Cohens in the late 1800’s or the Tarot de Marseille developed in the 1700’s, hold a high vibratory rate since many souls have been connected to them for all these years. The more people connected to an element, the stronger the vibration. But the energy of each blade remains, no matter the game, the fool remains the fool no matter the image.

Finally, believe in yourself and your abilities. There is no perfect way to draw the tarot or to interpret it. There is only that which you firmly believe in and which makes you vibrate.

This blog is the first of a series of 6. To make sure you don’t miss anything, subscribe to our Divine newsletter.

And a full-time dreamer of a more conscious world.

Our next topic: Maps and their representations.

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