Pre-Raphaelite Tarot


SKU: JDT008 Categories: ,


THE PRE-APHAELITE BROTHERHOOD In Victorian London in 1849, three students of the Royal Academy exhibit their first works by signing them with the monogram PRB, namely Pre-Raphaelite Brotherood. These three youngsters are Dante Gabriele Rossetti, William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais. The first is an avid reader of Dante, Blake, Shakespeare and Poe, he paints and composes verses. The Pre-Raphaelites have an esoteric view of the world, they believe that behind the appearance of things are hidden sacred truths; for them, artistic creation is a real magical rite. By observing the arcana of this game, we realize that nature, considered as the “divine body”, is the true heroine of their works.

This tarot with colorful and sumptuous illustrations transports us to a completely different era. Women stand out in this game. Each card is simply remarkable. The back of the game illustrated by bright colors makes us vibrate.

A game aimed at people with some experience in the field. The major arcana are identified that share their respective numbers it is therefore necessary to know them well.


The booklet is translated into 5 languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian and German

Additional information

Weight 0.226 kg
Dimensions 12 × 7 × 3 cm


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